Welcome to TODO documentation! ========================================= TODO Links ----- - `PyPI - Python Package Index `_ - `Source Code `_ - `Issues `_ git-repo Compatibility ---------------------- TODO: add some comments here .. list-table:: Element Overview :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Element - Support * - ``notice`` - Ignored. * - ``remote`` - See :ref:`Remotes`. * - ``default`` - See :ref:`Defaults`. * - ``manifest-server`` - Ignored. * - ``submanifest`` - Ignored. * - ``project`` - See :ref:`Projects`. * - ``annotation`` - Ignored. * - ``extend-project`` - Ignored. * - ``remove-project`` - Ignored. * - ``repo-hooks`` - Ignored. * - ``superproject`` - Ignored. * - ``contactinfo`` - Ignored. * - ``include`` - Ignored. Remotes ------- .. list-table:: ``remote`` :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Element - Support * - ``name`` - Full. Name of the Remote. * - ``alias`` - Ignored. * - ``fetch`` - Full. Used as ``url-base``. URL to a group of repositories. * - ``pushurl`` - Ignored. * - ``review`` - Ignored. * - ``revision`` - Ignored. * - ``annotation`` - Ignored. Defaults -------- .. list-table:: ``default`` :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Element - Support * - ``remote`` - Full. Default Remote. * - ``revision`` - Full. Default Revision * - ``dest-branch`` - Ignored. * - ``upstream`` - Ignored. * - ``sync-j`` - Ignored. * - ``sync-c`` - Ignored. * - ``sync-s`` - Ignored. * - ``sync-tags`` - Ignored. Projects -------- .. list-table:: ``project`` :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable * - Element - Support * - ``name`` - Full. Dependency Name. * - ``path`` - Full. Dependency Path. * - ``remote`` - Full. Dependency Remote. * - ``revision`` - Full. Dependency Revision. * - ``dest-branch`` - Ignored. * - ``groups`` - Partly. See :ref:`Groups`. * - ``sync-c`` - Ignored. * - ``sync-s`` - Ignored. * - ``sync-tags`` - Ignored. * - ``upstream`` - Ignored. * - ``clone-depth`` - Ignored. * - ``force-path`` - Ignored. * - ``annotation`` - Ignored. * - ``project`` - Ignored. * - ``copyfile`` - Full. See :ref:`Copy and Linkfile`. * - ``linkfile`` - Full. See :ref:`Copy and Linkfile`. Groups ------ Groups are partly supported. The group ``notdefault`` is deselected by default. The group ``all`` is not needed. The group-filter selection ``+*`` can be used instead. The group ``default`` is not needed. All projects are selected by default. The group ``name:NAME`` scheme is not supported. The group ``path:PATH`` scheme is handled by ``@path``. Copy and Linkfile ----------------- ``copyfile`` and ``linkfile`` are fully supported. .. list-table:: ``remote`` :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Element - Support * - ``src`` - Full. Source file path, relative to the project directory. * - ``dest`` - Full. Destination file path, relative to the workspace directory. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`